Creates a new star system controller from a given model and scene Note that the star system is not loaded until the load method is called
The data model of the star system
The scene in which the star system will be rendered
modelThe model of the star system that describes it and generates the randomness
objectRelation between orbital objects and their parents
subTranslation of the system data model in terms of actual 3D objects
Disposes all the bodies in the system
Returns all the anomalies in the star system
Returns all the celestial bodies in the star system
Returns the nearest orbital object to the given position
The position from which we want to find the nearest orbital object
Returns all the space stations in the star system
Returns all the orbital objects in the star system
Returns the parent objects of the given object
The object for which we want to find the parents
Returns all the planetary mass objects in the star system. (Planets first, then satellites)
Returns all the planets in the star system
Returns all the stellar objects in the star system
Inits the post processes and moves the system forward in time to the current time (it is additive)
Inits the post processes of all the bodies in the system This method cannot be awaited as its completion depends on the execution of BabylonJS that happens afterward.
Loads the star system from the underlying data model. This instantiates all stars, planets, satellites, anomalies and space stations in the star system.
Translates all celestial bodies and spacestations in the system by the given displacement
The displacement applied to all bodies
Updates the system and all its orbital objects forward in time by the given delta time. The nearest object is kept in place and the other objects are updated accordingly.
The time elapsed since the last update
The chunk forge used to update the LOD of the telluric planets
Updates the shaders of all the bodies in the system with the given delta time
The time elapsed in seconds since the last update
The controller of the star system manages all resources specific to a single star system. Changing star system means destroying and creating a new controller.