The controller of the star system manages all resources specific to a single star system. Changing star system means destroying and creating a new controller.



The model of the star system that describes it and generates the randomness

objectToParents: Map<OrbitalObject, OrbitalObject[]> = ...

Relation between orbital objects and their parents

scene: UberScene
starFieldBox: StarFieldBox
subSystems: SubStarSystem[] = []

Translation of the system data model in terms of actual 3D objects


  • Loads the star system from the underlying data model. This instantiates all stars, planets, satellites, anomalies and space stations in the star system.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Translates all celestial bodies and spacestations in the system by the given displacement


    • displacement: Vector3

      The displacement applied to all bodies

    Returns void

  • Updates the system and all its orbital objects forward in time by the given delta time. The nearest object is kept in place and the other objects are updated accordingly.


    • deltaSeconds: number

      The time elapsed since the last update

    • chunkForge: ChunkForge

      The chunk forge used to update the LOD of the telluric planets

    • postProcessManager: PostProcessManager

    Returns void