A very thin wrapper around Babylon's Scene class to add some convenience methods. The functionality added is support for the general purpose controls and the use of a depth renderer by default.


  • Scene
    • UberScene



  • Returns the active camera for the scene. If it does not exist, it throws an error.

    Returns Camera[]

    The active camera.

  • Returns the active controls for the scene. If they do not exist, it throws an error.

    Returns Controls

    The active controls.

    An error if the active controls do not exist.

  • Sets the active camera for the scene and the depth renderer. If the depth renderer does not exist, it is created.


    • camera: Camera

      The new active camera.

    Returns void

  • Sets the active controls for the scene. This also sets the active camera of the scene using the active camera of the controls.


    Returns Promise<void>