The index of the generated system in the star sector.
The system coordinates of the system generated given the seed.
The coordinates of the systems in the given star sector.
The coordinates of the system you want the position of.
The position of the given system in the galaxy.
The coordinates of the system you want the model of.
The StarSystemModel for the given coordinates, or null if the system is not found.
All system models (custom and generated) in the given star sector.
The positions of all systems in the given star sector in galactic space.
Check if a system is in the human bubble.
The coordinates of the system to check.
true if the system is in the human bubble, false otherwise.
Adds the given system to the database
The system to register
Register a plugin that modifies multiple systems.
The predicate used to match systems.
The plugin to apply to the matched systems.
Register a plugin that modifies a single system.
The coordinates of the system to modify.
The plugin to apply to the system.
The StarSystemDatabase defines the content of the universe. It is responsible for generating star system models and system positions in the galaxy.