Get the number of iterations executed by the pathfinder
The number of iterations executed by the pathfinder. Will return 0 if the pathfinder has not been initialized.
Get the path between the start and target systems (ordered from start to target)
An array of StarSystemCoordinates objects representing the path between the start and target systems
Get the progress of the pathfinder as a number between 0 and 1
Check if the pathfinder has found a path between the start and target systems
True if a path has been found, false otherwise. Will return false if the pathfinder has not been initialized.
Initialize the pathfinder
The seed of the starting system
The seed of the target system
The jump range of the ship in light years
Update the pathfinder to find the next step in the path. Executes one A* iteration.
Incremental A* pathfinder to find the shortest path between two star systems