
completedMissions: Mission[] = []
creationDate: Date
currentItinerary: StarSystemCoordinates[]
currentMissions: Mission[] = []
discoveries: { local: SpaceDiscoveryData[]; uploaded: SpaceDiscoveryData[] }
instancedSpaceships: Spaceship[] = []
onBalanceChangedObservable: Observable<number> = ...
onNameChangedObservable: Observable<string> = ...
serializedSpaceships: SerializedSpaceship[] = []
systemBookmarks: StarSystemCoordinates[]
timePlayedSeconds: number
uuid: string
visitedSystemHistory: StarSystemCoordinates[] = []
DEFAULT_BALANCE: number = 10_000
DEFAULT_NAME: string = "Python"


  • Adds the given object to the list of visited objects if it is not already in the list.


    Returns boolean

    True if the object was added, false if it was already in the list.

  • Returns true if the player has visited the given object, false otherwise.


    Returns boolean

    True if the player has visited the object, false otherwise.

  • Parameters

    • balance: number

    Returns void