UniverseCoordinates: {
    positionX: number;
    positionY: number;
    positionZ: number;
    rotationQuaternionW: number;
    rotationQuaternionX: number;
    rotationQuaternionY: number;
    rotationQuaternionZ: number;
    universeObjectId: UniverseObjectId;

Type declaration

  • positionX: number

    The x coordinate of the player's position in the nearest orbital object's frame of reference.

  • positionY: number

    The y coordinate of the player's position in the nearest orbital object's frame of reference.

  • positionZ: number

    The z coordinate of the player's position in the nearest orbital object's frame of reference.

  • rotationQuaternionW: number

    The w component of the player's rotation quaternion in the nearest orbital object's frame of reference.

  • rotationQuaternionX: number

    The x component of the player's rotation quaternion in the nearest orbital object's frame of reference.

  • rotationQuaternionY: number

    The y component of the player's rotation quaternion in the nearest orbital object's frame of reference.

  • rotationQuaternionZ: number

    The z component of the player's rotation quaternion in the nearest orbital object's frame of reference.

  • universeObjectId: UniverseObjectId

    The coordinates of the body in the universe.