Describes all celestial bodies (a combination of OrbitalObject, CanHaveRings)

interface CelestialBodyBase<T extends OrbitalObjectType> {
    asteroidField: null | AsteroidField;
        | Extract<StarModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<BlackHoleModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<NeutronStarModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<TelluricSatelliteModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<GasPlanetModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<TelluricPlanetModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<JuliaSetModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<MandelboxModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<MandelbulbModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<MengerSpongeModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<SierpinskiPyramidModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<SpaceElevatorModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<SpaceStationModel, { type: T }>
        | Extract<CustomObjectModel, { type: T }>;
    ringsUniforms: null | RingsUniforms;
    targetInfo: TargetInfo;
    type: T;
    dispose(): void;
    getBoundingRadius(): number;
    getRadius(): number;
    getTransform(): TransformNode;
    getTypeName(): string;

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (View Summary)

Implemented by


asteroidField: null | AsteroidField

Returns the asteroid belt of the object's ring, or null if the object has no rings

    | Extract<StarModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<BlackHoleModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<NeutronStarModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<TelluricSatelliteModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<GasPlanetModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<TelluricPlanetModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<JuliaSetModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<MandelboxModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<MandelbulbModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<MengerSpongeModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<SierpinskiPyramidModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<SpaceElevatorModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<SpaceStationModel, { type: T }>
    | Extract<CustomObjectModel, { type: T }>
ringsUniforms: null | RingsUniforms

Returns the uniforms used to render the rings, or null if the object has no rings

targetInfo: TargetInfo
type: T
