meshDeletes all resources used by the Transformable object
Returns the radius describing the max extent of the object from its center
Returns the transform node of the Transformable object
Initializes the chunk with the given vertex data. Scatters instances on the chunk based on the given instancesMatrixBuffer and alignedInstancesMatrixBuffer
the vertex data to apply to the chunk
the matrix buffer containing the instances matrix
the matrix buffer containing the vertically aligned instances matrix
Returns true if the chunk is ready to be enabled (i.e if the chunk has recieved its vertex data)
true if the chunk is ready to be enabled (i.e if the chunk has recieved its vertex data)
When the chunk has a Havok body, parenting is ignored so this method must be called to compensate. If the chunk has no Havok body, this method does nothing
Describes all objects that can be moved around, rotated and scaled in the scene