Axial Tilt X
Axial Tilt Z
Time speed :
Camera FOV :
Exposure :
Gamma :
Brightness :
Contrast :
Saturation :
Bloom Threshold :
Bloom Weight :
Bloom Kernel :
Exposure :
Decay :
Disk Radius:
Minkowski warping factor
Minimum Temperature :
Maximum Temperature :
Alpha Modifier :
Depth Modifier :
Specular Power :
Smoothness :
Wave Blending Sharpness :
Snow Color :
Plain Color :
Steep Color :
Beach Sand Color :
Desert Sand Color :
Sea Bottom Color :
Sand Size :
Steep Sharpness :
Normal Sharpness :
Gaz Color 1 :
Gaz Color 2 :
Gaz Color 3 :
Color Sharpness :
Cloud Color :
Frequency :
Detail Frequency :
Coverage :
Sharpness :
Main speed :
Detail speed :
Intensity :
Atmosphere thickness :
Rayleigh scattering height falloff:
Rayleigh scattering :
Mie scattering height falloff:
Rayleigh scattering :
Mie Asymmetry:
Ozone layer height
Rayleigh scattering :
Ozone height falloff:
Rings Color :
Rings minRadius :
Rings maxRadius :
Rings Frequency :
Rings Opacity :
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Refuel and outfit your ship for your next flight
Information center
Journey to the stars again!
If you experience any bug during your exploration, please add it to the issue tracker. You can also send an email at Sending screenshots and save files can help enormously with the debugging process.
Translating Cosmos Journeyer makes it accessible to more people around the world! You don't need coding skills, only proficiency in a language not currently supported or that can be enhanced. You can access the translation guide here.
Cosmos Journeyer is an open-source project which means anyone can help build it! Why not you?
You can check out the repository of the project for more details. Please take a look at the contributing guidelines before starting to code for Cosmos Journeyer.
Building Cosmos Journeyer takes a lot of time and effort and yet is free for everyone. If you want to support the project financially, you can do so on Ko-fi. Any amount is greatly appreciated and will help me keep working on Cosmos Journeyer.
Created by Barthélemy Paléologue
Webpack configuration & Refactorings by Martin Molli
Built with BabylonJS and its awesome forum
Planet surface rendering based on SimonDev's 3D World Generation video series
Star colors made using John Walker's "Colour Rendering of Spectra"
Black hole shader based on set111 implementation on shadertoy
Lens flare shader based on TheNosiriN implementation on shadertoy
Fractal raymarching based on Nazlbit's implementation and Myro's implementation on shadertoy
Mandelbox raymarching based on geoff's implementation on shadertoy
Sierpinski raymarching based on Inigo Quilez's implementation on shadertoy
Menger Sponge raymarching based on reinder's implementation on shadertoy
Awesome PBR materials from
Solar panel material from, licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License.
Gasoline icon created by Freepik - Flaticon
Astronomy icons created by 3ab2ou - Flaticon
Space-station icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Space-exploration icons created by Dewi Sari - Flaticon
Expand icons created by Google - Flaticon
Play icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Download icons created by Debi Alpa Nugraha - Flaticon
Delete icons created by bqlqn - Flaticon
Edit icons created by Kiranshastry - Flaticon
Information icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Link icons created by Creaticca Creative Agency - Flaticon
Exploration icons created by SprSprK - Flaticon
Launch icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
Barter icons created by Ahmad Roaayala - Flaticon
Nasalization font by Typodermic Fonts
Wandering by Andrewkn
"Deep Relaxation" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Atlantean Twilight" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"That Zen Moment " Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Echoes of Time v2" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Infinite Perspective" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Peace of Mind" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Spacial Winds" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Mesmerize" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Reawakening" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Equatorial Complex " Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Soaring" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Menu screen mouse over by DrMinky | License: Attribution 4.0
17 DISTORZIONE.WAV by lollosound | License: Creative Commons 0
Large Engine.wav by NHumphrey | License: Creative Commons 0
Futuristic Inspect Sound, UI, or In-Game Notification.wav by MATRIXXX_ | License: Creative Commons 0
endless acceleration.flac by Timbre | License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0
Rocket Thrust effect.wav by LimitSnap_Creations | License: Creative Commons 0
Error Bleep 4 by original_sound | License: Attribution 3.0
Echoed Blip by copyc4t | License: Attribution 4.0
Rocket Thrust effect by LimitSnap_Creations
The Blue Danube Waltz from Johann Strauss
Spaceship voice generated using ElevenLabs
Hello fellow explorer!\n I am the creator of Cosmos Journeyer, and I am glad you're interested in this project. It was years in the making you see: back in 2016 already, when I was working on my 3D planetarium, I dreamed about making the planets fully explorable. But then I was limited by how little I knew about computer graphics.\n \n I only started Cosmos Journeyer years later as a way to escape from the stress of my studies in French "classes préparatoires". At first, it was only a small procedural planet generator, which was called PlanetEngine. But as ideas kept on coming, I continued working on it for years and the project grew way beyond what I had imagined at first.\n \n As I understand now that such projects cannot be achieved alone, I decided to open-source Cosmos Journeyer so that anyone could freely use and modify it to their liking and even contribute to the project.\n \n I hope you will enjoy Cosmos Journeyer as much as I enjoy making it!
Barthélemy Paléologue
If you have any question about Cosmos Journeyer, feel free to contact me
Inès Varhol, my partner, for her unwavering love and support
Christine Lombez, my mother, for her trust and for shaping the person I am today
Victor Paléologue, my brother, for inspiring my journey into programming
Eric Lombez, my uncle, for giving me my first capable computer, paving the way for my passion for computer graphics
Martin Molli and Malo Lereste, my friends and Elite Dangerous squadmates, for their invaluable feedback and camaraderie that enriched this project.