VR With Unity #6

The final project

 Posted on January 21, 2024  |  16 minutes  |  3403 words  |  Barthélémy Paléologue

Okay the course is coming to a close and now we have to make a final project. The task is quite straightforward: select grocery items in a supermarket.

The idea is to implement one of the selection techniques of last time and evaluate it along a few metric such as accuracy, speed, user satisfaction, etc. This blog post will cover the implementation of the technique and the next one will cover the evaluation.

The selection technique

As a refresher, I am going to implement grabbable shelves. The user should be able to select a shelf using raycast and have it fly in its hand where manipulation and picking with the other hand will be much easier. Here is a small video of a prototype I made reusing the code from Roll a ball VR:

As the user can use its hand to rotate the shelves in whatever fashion they want, it solves the issue of objects being occluded by other objects. The user can simply change the perspective to have a clear line of sight to the object they want to select.

In this blog post I will cover the implementation of the technique inside Unity. It will be divided into sections:

  • Shelf highlighting
  • Attaching items to shelves
  • Item highlighting
  • Shelf manipulation
  • Item picking
  • Teleportation

The evaluation of the technique will be done in the next blog post (spoilers, it is really good).

All of my implementation is available in this repo which is fork from our teacher’s own repo.

For the project, we have access to the paid Hyper Casual Supermaket assets from the Unity Asset Store. The repo is public so I don’t know about the legality of all of this (don’t sue me please), but we are using it anyway.

Shelf highlighting

First, we have to take care of our shelves to make them compatible with the technique. We want a simpler collider so that items can be automatically attached to their shelf using a downward raycast that filters only shelves. For that we will create a layer called Shelves (for me it is layer 8).

There are a lot of shelves though, we aren’t doing this by hand right?

Normally, we would be able to do it using scripts but the shelves do not have a script attached to them at the moment… Bummer!

Oh boy, well let’s select them all by hand then.

One hour later

One hour later

Okay so now that we have everything selected, we can add a box collider to all of them at once, assign them to the Shelves layer and finally attach a Shelf script to them.

Now we are pretty much free to do whatever we please! Using the script, we will add a transparent box around the shelves and their items that will help the user to select them later on.

We also need to create another layer just for theses highlights as they will play the role of a large bounding box for the shelf. I called it ShelvesHighlights and is my 3rd layer.

GameObject highlightBox;
private Color originalHighlightColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.1f);
private Color selectedHighlightColor = new Color(0, 1, 0, 0.5f);    
[SerializeField] private bool isHighlighted = false;

void Start() {
    // get the size of the shelf
    Vector3 shelfSize = this.GetComponent<Renderer>().bounds.size;

    // create a new box
    GameObject box = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);

    // set layer of box to "ShelvesHighlights" (layer 3)
    box.layer = 3;

    // position the box at the same position as the shelf
    box.transform.position = this.transform.position;

    // set the height of the box
    float boxHeight = 2.25f;
    Vector3 boxSize = new Vector3(shelfSize.x, boxHeight, shelfSize.z) + new Vector3(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f);
    box.transform.localScale = boxSize;

    // move the box up by half its height
    box.transform.position = new Vector3(box.transform.position.x, box.transform.position.y + boxHeight / 2 - shelfSize.y / 2, box.transform.position.z);

    // set the material of the box to be transparent
    material = new Material(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse"));

    // change the color of the box
    material.color = originalHighlightColor;

    // set the material of the box
    box.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = material;

    // make the box a child of the shelf
    box.transform.parent = this.transform;

    this.highlightBox = box;

public void SetHighlighted(bool highlighted) {
    isHighlighted = highlighted;

void Update() {
    // change the color of the box based on the highlighted state
    if(isHighlighted) {
        material.color = selectedHighlightColor;
    } else {
        material.color = originalHighlightColor;

Now we get the following result:

Shelf highlighting

Shelf highlighting

You can increase the opacity of the highlights as you wish, but in VR I found this to be enough to tell the boundaries of the shelf.

Attaching items to the shelves

Next we want to items to stick to their shelf to allow fine manipulation. We will achieve that by using parenting at startup.

All items have attached the SelectableObject script that we are going to modify to add the parenting logic.

The idea is that for each object, we shoot a ray downward and filter only the shelves. This should give us the nearest shelf below each object. Then we can simply set the parent of the item to the shelf and we should be good.

// raycast downward to set parent to the shelf below (layer 8)
RaycastHit hit;
float distance = 2.0f;
Vector3 dir = Vector3.down;
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, dir, out hit, distance, 1 << 8))
    transform.parent = hit.transform;

We will also assign a new GroceryItems layer to all items for later raycasting purposes:

// set layer to "GroceryItems" (layer 6)
this.gameObject.layer = 6;

It is important that you choose the right layer! Mine is 8 but yours could be different.

Now when we start the game in Unity and we edit the position of one shelf, we get the desired result:

Item highlighting

In the very same fashion as we did for the shelves, we will create a highlight box for the items. This is necessary because the selection technique will not use the exact geometry of the items, so it could be disturbing for the user if their raycast is occluded by an invisible box.

More importantly, there is the sandwich problem.



You are scared right? No? You should be!

This is a tricky edge case of box colliders, here both sandwich have a box collider that englobes the whole sandwich. Yet, as they are placed in this fashion, their bounding boxes are almost entirely overlapping. This means that one of the 2 sandwiches will be extremy hard to select as the raycast will hit the other one first.

Of solution could be to use a finer collider, but that would increase the complexity of calculations on the CPU and the original Quest doesn’t have a lot of lee-way for this supermarket scene.

Instead we will use a highlight so that the user knows which objects he is about to select. This feedback mechanism will help reducing the error rate dramatically.

We will write the highlight logic inside the SelectableObject script. As the item already has a box collider, we will need to disable the additional box collider provided by the highlight box.

// create a new box to representing the box collider (same scale and orientation as the object, with bounds of the box collider)
GameObject box = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
box.transform.localScale = this.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().size + new Vector3(0.01f, 0.01f, 0.01f);
box.transform.rotation = this.transform.rotation;
box.transform.position = this.transform.position + this.GetComponent<BoxCollider>().center;

// set the box to be a child of the object
box.transform.parent = this.transform;

// remove the box collider from the box

// set the material of the box to be transparent
Material material = new Material(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse"));
material.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.3f);
box.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = material;

this.boundingBoxHelper = box;

public void DisplayBoundingBox(bool display) {

We get the desired result:

Item bounding box

Item bounding box

Item bounding box" caption=“Item bounding box” caption-position=“bottom”>}}

And now we can tell apart the sandwiches!

The sandwich problem, solved!

The sandwich problem, solved!

Shelf manipulation

Now we will want to select shelves using our VR controllers and have them fly to our hands. The first step is to add the controller prefab to the left hand in the OVRCameraRig game object. I simply took the one from the right hand and duplicated it and set it as a child of the left anchor.

This way we can see both of our controllers in VR!

We will inspire from the existing Raycast technique to perform one raycast for each controller.


If a ray intersects a shelf, we will highlight it. We will handle the trigger press later.

Here is the code for the right hand, the left hand is just a matter of duplicating the logic. (I know this is not the cleanest way to do it, but I don’t have infinite time for this project).

[SerializeField] private GameObject rightController;
private Shelf rightHoveredShelf = null;

private void HandleRightShelfSelection() {
    // Creating a raycast and storing the first hit if existing
    RaycastHit rightHit;
    bool hasRightHit = Physics.Raycast(rightController.transform.position, rightController.transform.forward, out rightHit, Mathf.Infinity);

    if (!hasRightHit)
        // if we are not hitting anything, we should unhighlight the shelf we were hovering over
        if (rightHoveredShelf != null)
            rightHoveredShelf = null;


    // if we are hitting something, we should highlight the shelf we are hovering over
    GameObject hitObject = rightHit.collider.gameObject;
    if (hitObject.tag == "shelfHighlight")
        GameObject shelfObject = hitObject.transform.parent.gameObject;
        Shelf shelf = shelfObject.GetComponent<Shelf>();

        if (rightHoveredShelf != null && rightHoveredShelf != shelf)
        rightHoveredShelf = shelf;

        rightHandLineRenderer.SetPosition(1, rightHit.point);

We can test it and see the following result:

Shelf selection

Now that we can highlight hovered shelves, what happens when we press the trigger? We want the shelf to fly to our hand!

To achieve this, we will define the target position and rotation of the shelf to those of the controller. We can then interpolate between the original position and target position to make a smooth flying animation.

First, we have to detect single trigger presses.

Ideally, we would be using the OVRInput.GetDown function, but this is not working for me for some reasons. No worries, we can easily code the single press logic using OVRInput.Get instead.

private bool isLeftTriggerPressed = false;
private bool isLeftTriggerPressedOnce = false;

private bool isRightTriggerPressed = false;
private bool isRightTriggerPressedOnce = false;

private void UpdateInputState()
    // Manage trigger press from left controller
    if (OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis1D.PrimaryIndexTrigger) > 0.1f) {
        if (!isLeftTriggerPressed) isLeftTriggerPressedOnce = true;
        else isLeftTriggerPressedOnce = false;

        isLeftTriggerPressed = true;
    } else {
        isLeftTriggerPressed = false;
        isLeftTriggerPressedOnce = false;

    // Manage trigger press from right controller
    if (OVRInput.Get(OVRInput.Axis1D.SecondaryIndexTrigger) > 0.1f) {
        if (!isRightTriggerPressed) isRightTriggerPressedOnce = true;
        else isRightTriggerPressedOnce = false;

        isRightTriggerPressed = true;
    } else {
        isRightTriggerPressed = false;
        isRightTriggerPressedOnce = false;

We simply call it at the start of the Update function, and we can use the isRightTriggerPressedOnce and isLeftTriggerPressedOnce variables to detect single presses.

Now back to the part of the code where we highlight the hovered shelf, we can add a button check and a variable to store the shelf that we will manipulate (i called it manipulatedShelf).

As I want the user to only be able to manipulate one shelf at a time, we don’t need to have a right and left version of this variable. Here is what we are going to do (there are methods that don’t exist yet but don’t worry, we dealing with them next).

// Checking that the user pushed the trigger
if (this.isRightTriggerPressedOnce) {
    if (rightHoveredShelf != manipulatedShelf) {
        // if we are already manipulating a shelf, we should release it
        if (manipulatedShelf != null) manipulatedShelf.Release();

        manipulatedShelf = rightHoveredShelf;
        rightHoveredShelf.FlyToHand(rightController.transform, Hand.Right);

        state = State.ManipulatingRight;

I am also introducing a state variable that help us track the state of the technique. It is a simple enum with 3 values: Idle, ManipulatingLeft and ManipulatingRight. I also have another enum for the hands: Left and Right.

Don’t forget to implement this behavior for the left hand as well!

Flying animation

I called two methods: Release and FlyToHand that do not exist. Let’s fix that in the Shelf script.

We will want to store the original position, rotation and scaling of the shelf so that we can interpolate and go back to the original state. We will also have a state enum to track the state of the shelf (Idle, FlyingToHand, Manipulating and Releasing).

In the start method, we store the original transform state:

originalPosition = this.transform.position;
originalRotation = this.transform.rotation;
originalScale = this.transform.localScale;

In the fly function, we will set the target position, rotation and scaling to those of the hand. We will also set the state to FlyingToHand and store the hand that we are flying to.

For animating purposes, we use a timer variable that we reset to 0 when we start flying. We will use it to interpolate between the original transform and the target transform in the Update function.

public void FlyToHand(Transform hand, Hand rightLeft) {
    state = ShelfState.FlyingToHand;
    this.targetParentHand = hand;

    if(rightLeft == Hand.Left) {
        xOffset = 0.3f;
    } else {
        xOffset = -0.3f;

    float distance = (hand.position - this.transform.position).magnitude;
    flySpeed = distance / 10;

    this.transform.localScale = this.targetScale;

    timer = 0.0f;

    // for every child that has layer "GroceryItems" (layer 6), set it to layer "SelectedGroceryItems" (layer 7)
    foreach (Transform child in this.transform)
        if (child.gameObject.layer == 6)
            child.gameObject.layer = 7;

    // disable the highlight box

You can notice that we also use another layer (SelectedGroceryItems) that is used to filter only the items that are on the currently manipulated shelf. We also disable the highlight box of the shelf to not occlude vision when the shelf is pretty close to the eyes of the user.

The target scale is fixed to 0.1f as I found it was quite a good size for the items to be manipulated.

You might ask what is this xOffset i am using here that changes in function of the hand. Without an xOffset, the shelf would be centered on the controller, which is good but not perfect. We want the shelf to be closer to the center of the view like this:



Here the shelf is held by the right hand, but is translated on the controller x axis by some offset to make it closer to the center of the view.

This helps a lot to reduce the amount of arm movement to have a good line of sight of the desired object.

In the same fashion, we have a Release method that does the converse to restore the original state of the shelf.

public void Release() {
    state = ShelfState.Releasing;
    this.transform.parent = null;
    this.targetParentHand = null;

    timer = 0.0f;

    // for every child that has layer "SelectedGroceryItems" (layer 7), set it to layer "GroceryItems" (layer 6)
    foreach (Transform child in this.transform)
        if (child.gameObject.layer == 7)
            child.gameObject.layer = 6;

    // show the highlight box

Let’s animate it now! We will use our timer variable to interpolate between the original transform and the target transform. We will use the Lerp function to do so.

if(state == ShelfState.FlyingToHand) {
    timer += Time.deltaTime;

    float t = timer / animationDuration;
    float easeInOutT = 0.5f * (Mathf.Sin((t - 0.5f) * Mathf.PI) + 1);

    Vector3 targetPosition = this.targetParentHand.position;
    // move the shelf in the forward direction of the hand and a little bit in the up direction of the hand
    targetPosition += this.targetParentHand.forward * 0.2f;
    targetPosition += this.targetParentHand.up * 0.1f;
    // move the shelf in the direction of the offset
    targetPosition += this.targetParentHand.right * xOffset;

    Quaternion targetRotation = this.targetParentHand.rotation;
    // rotate the shelf 90 degrees around the y axis
    targetRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0);

    this.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(this.transform.position, targetPosition, easeInOutT);
    this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(this.transform.rotation, targetRotation, easeInOutT);
    //this.transform.localScale = Vector3.MoveTowards(this.transform.localScale, this.targetScale, this.scaleSpeed);

    // when the shelf is close enough to the hand, we can stop the animation
    if(this.transform.position == targetPosition && this.transform.rotation == targetRotation && this.transform.localScale == this.targetScale) {
        state = ShelfState.Manipulating;
        this.transform.parent = targetParentHand;

// The shelf is flying away
if(state == ShelfState.Releasing) {
    timer += Time.deltaTime;

    float t = timer / animationDuration;
    float easeInOutT = 0.5f * (Mathf.Sin((t - 0.5f) * Mathf.PI) + 1);

    this.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(this.transform.position, originalPosition, easeInOutT);
    this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(this.transform.rotation, originalRotation, easeInOutT);
    this.transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(this.transform.localScale, originalScale, easeInOutT);

    // when the shelf is close enough to the original position, we can stop the animation
    if(this.transform.position == originalPosition && this.transform.rotation == originalRotation && this.transform.localScale == originalScale) {
        state = ShelfState.Idle;

We are almost there! The last steps are to select items on the manipulated shelf using the other hand and giving the user some teleportation capabilities.

Item picking

We are already making raycasts with our other hand so we will have to modify this part a bit.

Basically, if the selection ray intersects a manipulated item, we will highlight it and if the trigger is pressed we will actually select it.

If the ray does not intersect an item, we will perform the usual shelf highlighting so that the user can select another shelf if he wants to.

As we have created a SelectableGroceryItems layer, we can use it to filter only the items that are on the manipulated shelf.

Here is the code for the right hand:

bool isRightShelfSelectionNeeded = true;

if (state == State.ManipulatingLeft)
    // We perform a raycast from the right controller on the layer "SelectableGroceryItems" (layer 7)
    RaycastHit itemHit;
    bool hasItemHit = Physics.Raycast(rightController.transform.position, rightController.transform.forward, out itemHit, Mathf.Infinity, 1 << 7);
    if (hasItemHit)
        GameObject item = itemHit.collider.gameObject;

        SelectableObject selectableObject = item.GetComponent<SelectableObject>();


        if (selectableObject != null)
            if (this.isRightTriggerPressedOnce)
                // The important line: we tell the system that we selected an item
                this.currentSelectedObject = item;

        rightHandLineRenderer.SetPosition(1, itemHit.point);
        isRightShelfSelectionNeeded = false;

        if (rightHoveredShelf != null)
            rightHoveredShelf = null;

if (isRightShelfSelectionNeeded) HandleRightShelfSelection();


Now we only need a way to move through the supermarket. I thought about something complicated at first where the shelves would be scrolling around the player, but simple teleportation felt just right. Why make it complicated when it can be simple?

We already have all the raycasting ready for us. We will create a tag called Ground that we attach on the ground mesh of the scene.

Now it is only a matter of displaying a sphere where the ray intersects the ground if it is not intersecting anything more interesting like a shelf or an item on the manipulated shelf.

We will need a teleport method:

private void Teleport(Vector3 target)
    // clamp z to avoid teleporting through the wall
    float z = Mathf.Clamp(target.z, -2.0f, 2.0f);
    OVRCameraRig.transform.position = new Vector3(target.x, OVRCameraRig.transform.position.y, z);

    if (manipulatedShelf != null)
        manipulatedShelf = null;

I decided that teleportation should release the manipulated shelf if there is one. Teleportation is usualy done once the item has finished manipulating the shelf, so it made sense to make it automatic rather than overloading the cognitive space of our user.

Moreover, i don’t want the user to get to close to the shelves (or clip through them for that matter), because it becomes harder to select shelves. This is why I am clamping the z axis of the teleportation target.

We just have to call the Teleport method if the raycast hit intersects a mesh with the Ground tag.

The end result for the teleportation looks like this:


Alright, we are done! Here is a full recording of an example run:

I am very happy with the results even if some aspects could be improved (always). I think the release mechanism of the shelf is not super intuitive, but for the rest I think it is pretty good.

I was able to select items that were occluded by other items, and the sandwich problem was solved. I was also able to select items that were far away from me without having to move my arm too much.

The entire project is available here.

I will evaluate the technique with a few users in the next blog post so stay tuned!

IGD301  VR  Unity  C# 

See also