Add and customize Cusdis with Hugo

Easy to use but hard to customize open-source comment system

 Posted on February 11, 2024  |  5 minutes  |  944 words  |  Barthélemy Paléologue

Alright, I was looking for an easy way to add comments to my blog. I found 2 popular solutions: Disqus and Cusdis (the names look interestingly similar!). Cusdis Disqus On the one hand we have Disqus, a widely used comment system, but it’s not privacy-friendly and it’s not open-source. Bummer. On the other hand, we have Cusdis, a privacy-friendly free and open-source comment system that has a lot of potential. Comments do not need an account to be posted, it is lightweight and it’s easy to use with hugo… at least in theory. [Read More]